Tutorial Java - Writing Structure

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Tutorial Java - Writing Structure

Tutorial Java - Writing Structure

Java stands as one of the globally acclaimed programming languages, well-suited for crafting diverse applications, spanning from web and mobile to desktop. However, before embarking on Java application development, it is imperative to grasp the fundamentals of its syntax and writing structure. Syntax entails the rules that govern how we construct code understandable by computers. This article navigates through the four key systems of Java program format: bundle declaration, library import, category section, and the main way. Additionally, we delve into Java code examples, elucidating the significance of each constituent.

Java Program Writing Structure

There are four types :

1. Package Declaration

The package declaration in Java encapsulates Java programs into organized folders. It's particularly relevant for large and complex applications. A simple example of a package declaration is:


package com.petanikode.program;


It becomes crucial in maintaining a hierarchical structure, reflecting the vendor's domain name. While optional in small-scale development, declaring packages becomes vital in larger applications or production contexts, such as Android app development. It establishes a structured foundation, aiding code management and team collaboration in evolving projects.

2. Import Section

The import section in Java is crucial for accessing and utilizing functionalities from available libraries. Libraries are collections of classes and functions provided for program development, allowing developers to optimize coding and avoid unnecessary redundancy. An example of the import section is:


import java.util.Scanner;


Here, we import the Scanner class from the java.util package, enabling us to use its functions without implementing them ourselves. Understanding library import concepts and practices is key to efficiently building more complex programs by leveraging external resources.

3. Class Section

Java, being an Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) language, mandates placing every program within a class for organization and use as objects. OOP focuses on using objects, representing instances of classes, to design and organize code. For beginners, consider a class as a program name declaration. For instance:


class ProgramName {

    public static void main(String args[]) {

        System.out.println("Hello World");




Through class usage and OOP understanding, developers can create organized, modular, and easily understandable structures. Classes help divide programs into well-managed units, creating a robust foundation for efficient and structured Java application development.

4. Main Method

In Java, the 'main()' way assumes a distinctive act as the initial block executed when the project is sent. Functioning as the primary access point, the creation of the 'main()' way is obligatory; the absence of it renders a Java program non-executable. For instance:


public static void main(String args[]) {

    System.out.println("Hello World");



The  main()  way follows a standard format for correct project execution and contains a  String args[]  parameter, storing command-line arguments when the project pass. Understanding the part and design of the  main()  way is crucial for developers to initiate and control the flow of Java project execution efficiently.

Statements and Expressions in Java Programs

Every directive within a Java program comprises explanation and expressions, which are the smallest executable units for a computer. It is imperative to conclude each Java explanation and expression with a semicolon ( ; ). Here are illustrations of explanation and expressions:


System.out.println("Hello World");

System.out.println("How are you?");

var x = 3;

var y = 8;

var z = x + y;


Each statement and expression is a concrete instruction executed by the computer. Understanding how statements and expressions work enables developers to carefully and efficiently construct program logic. The semicolon rule at the end of each statement and expression is crucial for proper understanding by the Java compiler.

Java Program Blocks

Java program blocks unite statements and expressions within curly braces `{}`. Each block always starts with an opening brace `{` and ends with a closing brace `}`. Examples of program blocks encompassing various instructions:


// Main program block

public static void main(String args[]) {

    System.out.println("Hello World");

    System.out.println("Hello Code");

    // If statement block

    if (true) {



    // For loop block

    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {

        System.out.println("Loop " + i);




Identifying an open and close brace pair signifies the presence of a program block. Program blocks may contain various instructions, such as method calls (`System.out.println()`), control structures (`if`), or loops (`for`). In the above example, the `main()` program block includes an `if` and a `for` block. Remember that program blocks can contain nested blocks, offering flexibility and good structure in Java program development. Understanding program blocks is crucial for designing clear and organized program logic.

Overall, grasping Java's writing structure elements empowers developers to create well-organized, modular, and understandable programs.


In conclusion, the article "Tutorial 4 Java - Writing Structure" provides a comprehensive overview of the fundamental components that constitute the writing structure of Java programs. It begins by emphasizing the importance of package declaration in organizing Java programs, especially in large and complex applications. The article then delves into the critical role of importing libraries, showcasing how it enhances code efficiency by leveraging pre-existing functionalities. Furthermore, it elucidates the significance of the class section, highlighting Java's Object-Oriented Programming paradigm and the role of classes in creating well-organized and modular code. The main method is underscored as the central entry point for Java programs, emphasizing its mandatory role and standard format for proper execution. The discussion extends to statements and expressions, stressing the necessity of terminating each with a semicolon for compiler comprehension. Finally, the article explores Java program blocks, elucidating how curly braces encapsulate statements and expressions, fostering flexibility and organization. Overall, this tutorial equips developers with a foundational understanding of Java's writing structure, enabling them to construct efficient, structured, and readable programs.

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